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SAT: Problem of the Day

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus a sem vel tortor lacinia egestas nec quis dui. Donec vel lacus molestie, luctus elit nec, semper orci. Maecenas in porttitor tellus. Fusce blandit ultricies fringilla. Suspendisse laoreet porta risus quis tincidunt. Phasellus commodo malesuada scelerisque. Integer consectetur ante at pretium tincidunt. Fusce condimentum nulla vel enim efficitur tempor. Aliquam commodo, felis vel malesuada pellentesque, ligula lorem porttitor felis, quis vulputate ex eros eget augue. Duis pharetra pretium turpis sed lobortis. Quisque finibus, turpis et pretium facilisis, enim tortor imperdiet dolor, at cursus nulla diam quis leo. Praesent et est lacinia, convallis elit id, lacinia ante. In turpis turpis, scelerisque a nibh eu, vestibulum facilisis quam. In ut eros ipsum. Phasellus lacus mi, sollicitudin quis pretium in, sagittis at dui. Maecenas pulvinar sagittis nulla vitae consectetur. Phasellus in sem accumsan, finibus enim non, volutpat neque. Maecenas neque tortor, iaculis quis nibh quis, sodales varius turpis. Pellentesque lobortis et libero quis sollicitudin. Morbi eget nulla ut dui molestie mattis.
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The care in presenting the material is the reflection of the beauty and enchantment of determinats, linear algebra and tensor calculus. Prof Grinfeld is awakening us to the majesty of this subject. Thank you.
I think this is one of the best and most intuitive introduction I’ve seen on eigenvalues and eigenvectors! Thank you!!
I am a 19 year old physics student from the US. Thanks for providing an intuitive and world-class math education for those who cant afford it. Thank you so much.
It is a great course and all so far. I like how you are making great effort to introduce concepts in a manner that allow for internalising of larger ideas rather than rote memorisation. This is the way I would advocate all tuition be done...
Mr Grinfeld, your videos are amazing.
Lemma is a phenomenal system. Not only has it taught me the material, but it allowed me to practice problems relevant to the material over and over again until in made sense.
Reviewing the lecture with pleasure, as if listening to a piece of any famous composer
Now I get it!!!!
thank you so much for these wonderful lectures, truly inspiring, thanks to you and Gilbert Strang I love linear algebra.
Thank you. You do an amazing job of clarifying this subject. Special thanks for not wrapping the big picture in fatiguing notation.